Please discern for yourself
with this educational information
*** Note that USA is a british colony ***
with this educational information
*** Note that USA is a british colony ***
*** USA is a british owned corporation ***
Serco's (a british company) stranglehold on the US Military - CTM #712 - Field McConnell- - topics include Maylaysian Flight 370, 911, privatizing wars, and many other interesting areas. Field mentioned that the golden fringe of our flag has to be taken out (at about 2:15:00 on), the plan of the globalists is to kill the United States, etc... Serco is controlling the US Military (March 31, 2017):
We all should know that the deep state / aka khazarian mafia own the media, that's why people have been told lies after lies (disinformation... forever)
*** USA is a british owned corporation ***
Serco's (a british company) stranglehold on the US Military - CTM #712 - Field McConnell- - topics include Maylaysian Flight 370, 911, privatizing wars, and many other interesting areas. Field mentioned that the golden fringe of our flag has to be taken out (at about 2:15:00 on), the plan of the globalists is to kill the United States, etc... Serco is controlling the US Military (March 31, 2017):
We all should know that the deep state / aka khazarian mafia own the media, that's why people have been told lies after lies (disinformation... forever)
==> 70,000 people died that day
Let's look at another angle. There were 70,000 people who perished at ground zero and the top policy makers in the US gov't get paid by BIS (a foreign bank) !!! See link below:
From above link's page 9: Iraq was double-crossed by Bush and the CIA, and the oil holdings of this country were seized by England. Do you think you-the-people will somehow get cheap gas prices out of the robbery? Dear friends, you were not included in the plan to divide up the spoils. England and Israel do not like the people of America. Israel sent a notice to all the “Jews” who worked in and around the World Trade Center towers in New York that day, AND NONE OF THEM DIED. WHY WERE THE JEWS OFF? IT WAS NOT ONE OF THEIR HOLIDAYS. YOU LOST 70,000 PEOPLE—NOT 3,000—that is why the New York mafia was called in to dump the evidence at sea. Tony Blair let it slip twice how many were actually killed because it was British Intelligence who masterminded the whole affair THROUGH the Central Intelligence Agency. In case anything went wrong, it would not get traced back to your overlords in London. The top policy makers and foreign diplomats do not receive their paychecks from U.S. taxpayers. They are paid by the Bank of International Settlements—A FOREIGN BANK! Americans cannot pay any of their government functions (state or national) because not only is America out of work, but all your little change that is being bled from the few of you who have jobs goes straight to the creditors. Are you not familiar with how that works? It is called Bankruptcy and Foreclosure. All that you have—including your businesses, homes and land—goes to the creditor, THE BANK, to repay the loan. This includes your minerals, oil, coal, natural gas—all natural resources, INCLUDING HUMAN RESOURCES!"
Our domestic enemy (<==click) (a bunch of satanic foreigners own Washington DC - - it is not even a state of the USA. It is exposed in 5 articles and here's Part 1 of 5, titled: Get the hell out of our country !!!)
Government admits it was only behind destruction of North Tower (Jan 06, 2015)
Government admits it was only behind destruction of North Tower (Jan 06, 2015)
*** Israel Did 9-11 ***
Wikileaks confirms israel did 911 (Dec 12, 2019)
This will shock you to your core: 9/11 From Cheney to mossad (Sept 11, 2015)
June 20, 2019
Former US Senate Candidate: Israel Orchestrated The 9/11 Attacks
9/11 was orchestrated by CIA, Mossad: Scholar (July 17, 2016)
9/11 Passengers Were Routed to Westover AFB, Cellphone Calls & Military Personnel Confirm, Flight Attendant Research & Conclusions: Capt. Dave Betrand, Ret. +Video (Thursday, Sept. 12, 2019)
Interesting.... Cody Snodgres (a former black ops guy) refused to blow up the Oklahoma Bldg... and became a whistleblower (Destroying records was the main reason to blow up that bldg... similar to the 911 Bldgs - - destroying records also...???) - - Jan 24, 2018
Bush admits explosives were used at World Trade Center 911:
Nanothermite was mixed with the cement used to build those towers (and supplied by the osama bin laden construction company...: ). When placing charges at the right locations, the buildings can be brought down via implosion...the cement blocks can explode / implode and turn to dust????
Excellent whistleblowing from a navy pilot Field McConnell => Serco's stranglehold of the US military:
Another 2 reports from James Perloff: and
Hoping you do more further research...
Check out also:
Excellent document leaked to the public !!! Criminals exposed their plan from 1965 to 2015:
Summary of hidden history of the United States under nazis:
What you're not supposed to know about America's Founding
Other must know info sites:
USA is a british owned corporation:
CA under attack - Do or Die now !!!
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